Here’s the translation of the content while maintaining all Markdown formatting and technical terms:
In the previous section, we used ringGraph as an example to introduce the channel connection process between machines. Now each rank in the ring knows which rank to receive data from and which rank to send data to. This section will specifically introduce the process of establishing data communication links in P2P and rdma NET scenarios.
As mentioned in the previous section, nccl completed the establishment of data communication links through ncclTransportP2pSetup. Let’s continue with the example of a sixteen-card ring across two machines:
Ring on the first machine:
graph->intra: GPU/0 GPU/7 GPU/6 GPU/3 GPU/2 GPU/5 GPU/4 GPU/1
graph->inter: NET/0 NET/0
Ring on the second machine:
graph->intra: GPU/10 GPU/9 GPU/8 GPU/13 GPU/12 GPU/15 GPU/14 GPU/11
graph->inter: NET/0 NET/0
First, let’s introduce ncclPeer. ncclPeer maintains two connectors; for rank 10, send communicates with rank 9, and recv communicates with rank 1. For ease of explanation later, let’s assume rank 10 is called the receiver and rank 1 is called the sender.
struct ncclPeer {
struct ncclConnector send;
struct ncclConnector recv;
In ncclConnector, connected indicates whether the connection has been established, transportResources are the buffers used during communication, and proxyAppend will be discussed later when we cover the data communication process.
struct ncclConnector {
int connected;
struct ncclProxyArgs *proxyAppend;
struct ncclTransportComm* transportComm;
void* transportResources; // Host-side resources
struct ncclConnInfo conn;
struct ncclComm *comm;
ncclConnInfo records the communication context information. In this section, we only need to focus on buffs, which are the buffers used during communication, actually located in transportResources, with pointers pointing to them.
struct ncclConnInfo {
// Regular comm mechanism
char *buffs[NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS]; // Local for recv, remote for send
uint64_t *tail; // Local for recv, remote for send
uint64_t *head; // Local for send, remote for recv
int direct; // Direct communication
void **ptrExchange; // Pointer exchange for direct communication
int *fifo; // Size fifo for proxy
uint64_t step; // Keep where we are
uint64_t llLastCleaning;
ncclConnector’s ncclTransportComm defines a series of communication-related function pointers. Users can implement these interfaces themselves. ncclTransport defines send and recv ncclTransportComm. This section will introduce two ncclTransports: P2P and NET.
struct ncclTransportComm {
ncclResult_t (*setup)(struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo*, struct ncclPeerInfo*, struct n
cclConnect*, struct ncclConnector*, int channelId);
ncclResult_t (*connect)(struct ncclConnect*, int nranks, int rank, struct ncclConnector*);
ncclResult_t (*free)(void*);
ncclResult_t (*proxy)(struct ncclProxyArgs*);
struct ncclTransport {
const char name[4];
ncclResult_t (*canConnect)(int*, struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo*, struct ncclPeerInfo
struct ncclTransportComm send;
struct ncclTransportComm recv;
struct ncclTransport netTransport = {
{ netSendSetup, netSendConnect, netSendFree, netSendProxy },
{ netRecvSetup, netRecvConnect, netRecvFree, netRecvProxy }
Let’s continue from the previous section about ncclTransportP2pSetup. Since the current rank is 10, nrecv is 1, peerRecv is 1, nsend is 1, and peerSend is 9. Then it begins creating communication to 1, initializing peers[1].recv this ncclConnector through selectTransport.
ncclResult_t ncclTransportP2pSetup(struct ncclComm* comm, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclChannel* channel, int nrecv, int* peerRecv, int nsend, int* peerSend) {
TRACE(NCCL_INIT, "nsend %d nrecv %d", nsend, nrecv);
uint32_t nSkippedSend = 0, nSkippedRecv = 0; /* for tracing */
struct ncclConnect connect;
struct ncclConnector* conn;
for (int i=0; i<nrecv; i++) {
int peer = peerRecv[i];
if (peer == -1 || peer >= comm->nRanks) continue;
conn = &channel->peers[peer].recv;
if (conn->connected) { ++nSkippedRecv; continue; }
memset(&connect, 0, sizeof(connect));
NCCLCHECK(selectTransport<0>(comm->topo, graph, comm->peerInfo+comm->rank, comm->peerInfo+peer, &connect, conn, channel->id));
NCCLCHECK(bootstrapSend(comm->bootstrap, peer, &connect, sizeof(struct ncclConnect)));
nccl currently has three transports: P2P communicates through card-to-card p2p, SHM communicates through machine-internal shared host memory, and NET communicates through network. nccl will check the availability of these three transports sequentially through canConnect and select the first available one. Since rank 1 is not on the current machine, only NET’s recv is available, setting the connector’s transportComm to netTransport’s recv.
template <int type>
static ncclResult_t selectTransport(struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* myInfo, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfo, struct ncclConnect* connect, struct ncclConnector* connector, int channelId) {
for (int t=0; t<NTRANSPORTS; t++) {
struct ncclTransport *transport = ncclTransports+t;
struct ncclTransportComm* transportComm = type == 1 ? &transport->send : &transport->recv;
int ret = 0;
NCCLCHECK(transport->canConnect(&ret, topo, graph, myInfo, peerInfo));
if (ret) {
connector->transportComm = transportComm;
NCCLCHECK(transportComm->setup(topo, graph, myInfo, peerInfo, connect, connector, channelId));
return ncclSuccess;
WARN("No transport found !");
return ncclInternalError;
Let’s look at netTransport’s setup function
ncclResult_t netRecvSetup(struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* myInfo, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfo, struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, struct ncclConnector* recv, int channelId) {
struct netRecvResources* resources;
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&resources, 1));
recv->transportResources = resources;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetNetDev(topo, myInfo->rank, graph, channelId, &resources->netDev));
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckGdr(topo, myInfo->busId, resources->netDev, 0, &resources->useGdr));
First, netRecvResources is allocated to ncclConnector. The main field meanings are in the comments. LOC_COUNT is 2, indicating two buffers. If gdr is supported, it will use the LOC_DEVMEM (1) buffer, which is GPU memory. If gdr is not supported, it will use the LOC_HOSTMEM (0) buffer, which is locked page memory. sendMem and recvMem record the fifo’s head and tail to coordinate producers and consumers, which we’ll cover in the next section and can be ignored for now. When users execute communication operations like ncclSend for a block of data, nccl will divide this block into multiple smaller blocks for pipelined transmission. Step indicates which small block it is, which we’ll also cover in the next section.
struct netRecvResources {
void* netListenComm; // 建链使用的监听comm,如果是ib的话即ncclIbListenComm,保存了监听fd和使用了哪张网卡
void* netRecvComm; // 通信连接上下文信息,如果是ib的话即ncclIbRecvComm,保存了pd,cq等rdma连接信息
struct ncclSendMem* sendMem;
struct ncclRecvMem* recvMem;
int netDev; // 用的哪个网卡
int useGdr; // 是否支持gdr
char* buffers[LOC_COUNT]; // buffer地址,三个协议连续存储
int buffSizes[LOC_COUNT]; // buffer长度,三个协议的长度和
void* mhandles[LOC_COUNT]; // rdma注册的mr
void** mhandlesProto[NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS]; // 指向mhandles
uint64_t step;
uint64_t llLastCleaning;
ncclTopoGetNetDev selects a network card for the current rank’s GPU. When searching for channels, we recorded the network card corresponding to the ring in graph->inter, so we can find the corresponding network card through inter here.
ncclResult_t ncclTopoGetNetDev(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int rank, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, int channelId, int* dev) {
if (graph) {
// Honor the net device in the graph
int channel = channelId%graph->nChannels;
int ngpus = system->nodes[GPU].count;
int index = graph->intra[channel*ngpus] == rank ? 0 : 1;
*dev = graph->inter[channel*2+index];
} else {
int64_t id;
NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoGetLocalNet(system, rank, &id, channelId));
*dev = id;
return ncclSuccess;
ncclTopoCheckGdr checks whether the selected network card and the current rank’s GPU support gdr. The specific logic was covered in section five, so we won’t repeat it here. Then it allocates locked page memory for sendMem and recvMem, setting head and tail. The test machine supports gdr, so protoLoc is LOC_DEVMEM (GPU memory). Then it allocates buffers needed for three protocols, stored continuously, with offset recording each starting address saved to conn. mhandles are mr used by rdma, and mhandlesProtoc points to mhandles.
ncclResult_t netRecvSetup(struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* myInfo, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfo, struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, struct ncclConnector* recv, int channelId) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclCudaHostCalloc(&resources->sendMem, 1));
NCCLCHECK(ncclCudaHostCalloc(&resources->recvMem, 1));
recv-> |= resources->useGdr ? NCCL_DIRECT_NIC : 0;
recv->conn.tail = &resources->recvMem->tail;
recv->conn.head = &resources->sendMem->head;
for (int p=0; p<NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS; p++) {
protoLoc[p] = resources->useGdr ? LOC_DEVMEM : LOC_HOSTMEM;
int buffSizes[NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS];
for (int p=0; p<NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS; p++) {
// Only allocate buffers for simple for p2p connections
buffSizes[p] = graph == NULL && p != NCCL_PROTO_SIMPLE ? 0 : recv->comm->buffSizes[p];
resources->buffSizes[protoLoc[p]] += buffSizes[p];
if (resources->buffSizes[LOC_DEVMEM]) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclCudaCalloc(resources->buffers+LOC_DEVMEM, resources->buffSizes[LOC_DEVMEM]));
if (resources->buffSizes[LOC_HOSTMEM]) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclCudaHostCalloc(resources->buffers+LOC_HOSTMEM, resources->buffSizes[LOC_HOSTMEM]));
int offsets[LOC_COUNT];
offsets[LOC_HOSTMEM] = offsets[LOC_DEVMEM] = 0;
for (int p=0; p<NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS; p++) {
resources->mhandlesProto[p] = resources->mhandles+protoLoc[p];
recv->conn.buffs[p] = resources->buffers[protoLoc[p]] + offsets[protoLoc[p]];
offsets[protoLoc[p]] += buffSizes[p];
INFO(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_NET,"Channel %02d : %d[%lx] -> %d[%lx] [receive] via NET/%s/%d%s", channelId, peerInfo->rank, peerInfo->busId, myInfo->rank, myInfo->busId, ncclNetName(), resources->netDev,
resources->useGdr ? "/GDRDMA" : "");
struct netConnectInfo* info = (struct netConnectInfo*) connectInfo;
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetListen(resources->netDev, &info->netHandle, &resources->netListenComm));
return ncclSuccess;
Since socket-based link establishment needs to exchange information between sender and receiver through socket, such as qp number, port, mtu, gid or lid, ncclIbListen creates a listening socket here, similar to bootstrap. The fd is written to listenComm, and ip port is written to handle, which is connectInfo.
ncclResult_t ncclIbListen(int dev, void* opaqueHandle, void** listenComm) {
struct ncclIbListenComm* comm;
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&comm, 1));
struct ncclIbHandle* handle = (struct ncclIbHandle*) opaqueHandle;
static_assert(sizeof(struct ncclIbHandle) < NCCL_NET_HANDLE_MAXSIZE, "ncclIbHandle size too large");
comm->dev = dev;
NCCLCHECK(createListenSocket(&comm->fd, &handle->connectAddr));
*listenComm = comm;
return ncclSuccess;
struct ncclIbListenComm {
int dev;
int fd;
At this point, recv initialization is complete. Back to ncclTransportP2pSetup, connectInfo is sent to peer (rank 1) through bootstrapSend. ConnectInfo is the ip port mentioned above. When rank 1 executes this function, it will iterate through nsend. At this time, rank 1’s peer is rank 10, then execute selectTransport, which will execute netTransport’s send setup, namely netSendSetup. This logic is basically consistent with netRecvSetup, mainly allocating various buffers, which won’t be repeated here. Let’s look at the following logic.
ncclResult_t ncclTransportP2pSetup(struct ncclComm* comm, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclChannel* channel, int nrecv, int* peerRecv, int nsend, int* peerSend) {
for (int i=0; i<nrecv; i++) {
NCCLCHECK(selectTransport<0>(comm->topo, graph, comm->peerInfo+comm->rank, comm->peerInfo+peer, &connect, conn, channel->id));
NCCLCHECK(bootstrapSend(comm->bootstrap, peer, &connect, sizeof(struct ncclConnect)));
for (int i=0; i<nsend; i++) {
int peer = peerSend[i];
if (peer == -1 || peer >= comm->nRanks) continue;
conn = &channel->peers[peer].send;
if (conn->connected) { ++nSkippedSend; continue; }
memset(&connect, 0, sizeof(connect));
NCCLCHECK(selectTransport<1>(comm->topo, graph, comm->peerInfo+comm->rank, comm->peerInfo+peer, &connect, conn, channel->id));
NCCLCHECK(bootstrapSend(comm->bootstrap, peer, &connect, sizeof(struct ncclConnect)));
for (int i=0; i<nsend; i++) {
int peer = peerSend[i];
if (peer == -1 || peer >= comm->nRanks) continue;
conn = &channel->peers[peer].send;
if (conn->connected) {++nSkippedSend; continue; }
memset(&connect, 0, sizeof(connect));
NCCLCHECK(bootstrapRecv(comm->bootstrap, peer, &connect, sizeof(struct ncclConnect)));
NCCLCHECK(conn->transportComm->connect(&connect, 1, comm->rank, conn));
conn->connected = 1;
CUDACHECK(cudaMemcpy(&channel->devPeers[peer].send, conn, sizeof(struct ncclConnector), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
Then rank 1 receives the ip and port sent from rank 10 through bootstrapRecv, and executes connect, namely netSendConnect
ncclResult_t netSendConnect(struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, int nranks, int rank, struct ncclConnector* send) {
// Setup device pointers
struct netSendResources* resources = (struct netSendResources*)send->transportResources;
struct netConnectInfo* info = (struct netConnectInfo*)connectInfo;
// Connect to remote peer
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetConnect(resources->netDev, info->netHandle, &resources->netSendComm));
Here, info is rank 10’s ip and port, then executes ncclNetConnect, namely ncclIbConnect, which mainly creates qp and sends related information to the receiver through socket.
Let’s look at the process of ncclIbConnect creating qp, first looking at two APIs that will be used
ncclResult_t ncclIbInitVerbs(ibv_context* ctx, struct ncclIbVerbs* verbs) {
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_alloc_pd(&verbs->pd, ctx));
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_create_cq(&verbs->cq, ctx, MAX_REQUESTS, NULL, NULL, 0));
return ncclSuccess;
ncclIbInitVerbs creates pd and cq, ncclIbVerbs saves pd and cq
ncclResult_t ncclIbCreateQp(uint8_t ib_port, struct ncclIbVerbs* verbs, int access_flags, struct ibv_qp** qp) {
struct ibv_qp_init_attr qpInitAttr;
memset(&qpInitAttr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_init_attr));
qpInitAttr.send_cq = verbs->cq;
qpInitAttr.recv_cq = verbs->cq;
qpInitAttr.qp_type = IBV_QPT_RC;
// We might send 2 requests per send (RDMA_WRITE+RDMA_WRITE_WITH_IMM)
qpInitAttr.cap.max_send_wr = 2*MAX_REQUESTS;
qpInitAttr.cap.max_recv_wr = MAX_REQUESTS;
qpInitAttr.cap.max_send_sge = 1;
qpInitAttr.cap.max_recv_sge = 1;
qpInitAttr.cap.max_inline_data = 0;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_create_qp(qp, verbs->pd, &qpInitAttr));
struct ibv_qp_attr qpAttr;
memset(&qpAttr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_attr));
qpAttr.qp_state = IBV_QPS_INIT;
qpAttr.pkey_index = 0;
qpAttr.port_num = ib_port;
qpAttr.qp_access_flags = access_flags;
return ncclSuccess;
ncclIbCreateQp is used to create and initialize qp, setting completion queues used by send and recv, setting qp_type as rc, setting maximum number of wr for send and recv, and how many sge can be in each wr, then creates qp. At this time, the qp is in RST state and cannot do anything. Then sets qp_state to init, sets port and access_flag to IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE, indicating qp can accept remote writes, then modifies qp state. At this time, qp is in INIT state, where qp can post recv wr, but received messages won’t be processed.
Then let’s look at ncclIbConnect. ncclIbMalloc allocates page-aligned memory. As we can see later, nccl performs page alignment when registering memory, but ibv_reg_mr doesn’t require memory to be page-aligned.
The registered memory buffer doesn’t have to be page-aligned.
ncclResult_t ncclIbConnect(int dev, void* opaqueHandle, void** sendComm) {
struct ncclIbSendComm* comm;
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbMalloc((void**)&comm, sizeof(struct ncclIbSendComm)));
struct ncclIbHandle* handle = (struct ncclIbHandle*) opaqueHandle;
NCCLCHECK(connectAddress(&comm->fd, &handle->connectAddr));
*sendComm = comm;
// IB Setup
ibv_context* ctx = ncclIbDevs[dev].context;
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbInitVerbs(ctx, &comm->verbs));
uint8_t ib_port = ncclIbDevs[dev].port;
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbCreateQp(ib_port, &comm->verbs, IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE, &comm->qp));
// Send my QP Info to receiver through the socket. Hope this won't block.
struct ibv_port_attr portAttr;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_query_port(ctx, ib_port, &portAttr));
struct ncclIbQpInfo qpInfo;
qpInfo.ib_port = ib_port;
qpInfo.qpn = comm->qp->qp_num;
qpInfo.mtu = portAttr.active_mtu;
// Prepare my fifo
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_reg_mr(&comm->fifoMr, comm->verbs.pd, comm->fifo, sizeof(struct ncclIbSendFifo)*MAX_REQUESTS, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ));
qpInfo.fifoRkey = comm->fifoMr->rkey;
qpInfo.fifoAddr = (uint64_t)comm->fifo;
// RoCE support
qpInfo.lid = portAttr.lid;
if (qpInfo.lid) { // IB
INFO(NCCL_NET,"NET/IB: Dev %d Port %d qpn %d mtu %d LID %d", dev, ib_port, qpInfo.qpn, qpInfo.mtu, qpInfo.lid);
} else { // RoCE
union ibv_gid gid;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_query_gid(ctx, ib_port, ncclParamIbGidIndex(), &gid));
qpInfo.spn =;
qpInfo.iid =;
INFO(NCCL_NET,"NET/IB: Dev %d Port %d qpn %d mtu %d GID %ld (%lX/%lX)", dev, ib_port, qpInfo.qpn, qpInfo.mtu, ncclParamIbGidIndex(), qpInfo.spn, qpInfo.iid);
NCCLCHECK(socketSend(comm->fd, &qpInfo, sizeof(qpInfo)));
return ncclSuccess;
After QP initialization, it prepares to exchange information between sender and receiver through socket, gets port related information, assigns port, mtu, qpn to qpInfo, then determines whether it’s using ib or roce. In roce, lid is 0 and can only communicate using gid, while ib can communicate using lid. Finally, qpInfo is sent to the receiver (rank 10) through socket.
Back to netSendConnect, the data buffer allocated during setup needs to be registered, namely ncclIbRegMr. Page alignment is performed here, and mr is written to resource’s mhandle.
ncclResult_t netSendConnect(struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, int nranks, int rank, struct ncclConnector* send) {
if (resources->buffSizes[LOC_DEVMEM]) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetRegMr(resources->netSendComm, resources->buffers[LOC_DEVMEM], resources->buffSizes[LOC_DEVMEM], NCCL_PTR_CUDA, &resources->mhandles[LOC_DEVMEM]));
if (resources->buffSizes[LOC_HOSTMEM]) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetRegMr(resources->netSendComm, resources->buffers[LOC_HOSTMEM], resources->buffSizes[LOC_HOSTMEM], NCCL_PTR_HOST, &resources->mhandles[LOC_HOSTMEM]));
return ncclSuccess;
ncclResult_t ncclIbRegMr(void* comm, void* data, int size, int type, void** mhandle) {
struct ncclIbVerbs* verbs = (struct ncclIbVerbs*)comm;
uint64_t addr = (uint64_t)data;
assert(size > 0);
// Deregister / register
uint64_t regAddr = addr & (~(REG_ALIGN-1));
uint64_t regSize = addr+size - regAddr;
regSize = ((regSize + REG_ALIGN-1) / REG_ALIGN ) * REG_ALIGN;
struct ibv_mr* mr;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_reg_mr(&mr, verbs->pd, (void*)regAddr, regSize, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_
*mhandle = (void*)mr;
TRACE(NCCL_INIT,"regAddr %lx size %ld rkey %x", regAddr, regSize, mr->rkey);
return ncclSuccess;
Then back to ncclTransportP2pSetup, rank 1 executed connect, sending qp related information to rank 10 through socket. At this time, rank 10 continues to execute the following connect, namely netRecvConnect. Additionally, in the rdma scenario, the ncclConnect received through bootstrap here is not used.
ncclResult_t ncclTransportP2pSetup(struct ncclComm* comm, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclChannel* channel, int nrecv, int* peerRecv, int nsend, int* peerSend) {
for (int i=0; i<nrecv; i++) {
int peer = peerRecv[i];
if (peer == -1 || peer >= comm->nRanks) continue;
conn = &channel->peers[peer].recv;
if (conn->connected) {++nSkippedRecv; continue; }
memset(&connect, 0, sizeof(connect));
NCCLCHECK(bootstrapRecv(comm->bootstrap, peer, &connect, sizeof(struct ncclConnect)));
NCCLCHECK(conn->transportComm->connect(&connect, 1, comm->rank, conn));
conn->connected = 1;
CUDACHECK(cudaMemcpy(&channel->devPeers[peer].recv, conn, sizeof(struct ncclConnector), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
TRACE(NCCL_INIT, "nsend %d nrecv %d nSkippedSend %u nSkippedRecv %u - DONE", nsend, nrecv, nSkippedSend, nSkippedRecv);
return ncclSuccess;
ncclResult_t netRecvConnect(struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, int nranks, int rank, struct ncclConnector* recv) {
// Setup device pointers
struct netRecvResources* resources = (struct netRecvResources*)recv->transportResources;
// Finish connection establishment from remote peer
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetAccept(resources->netListenComm, &resources->netRecvComm));
if (resources->buffSizes[LOC_DEVMEM]) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetRegMr(resources->netRecvComm, resources->buffers[LOC_DEVMEM], resources->buffSizes[LOC_DEVMEM], NCCL_PTR_CUDA, &resources->mhandles[LOC_DEVMEM]));
if (resources->buffSizes[LOC_HOSTMEM]) {
NCCLCHECK(ncclNetRegMr(resources->netRecvComm, resources->buffers[LOC_HOSTMEM], resources->buffSizes[LOC_HOSTMEM], NCCL_PTR_HOST, &resources->mhandles[LOC_HOSTMEM]));
return ncclSuccess;
Rank 10 will execute ncclIbAccept, receive rank 1’s qp information through socket, then get the corresponding network card’s context and port through net dev. Like the above process, create pd and cq through ncclIbInitVerbs, create qp through ncclIbCreateQp, then adjust mtu according to rank 1
ncclResult_t ncclIbAccept(void* listenComm, void** recvComm) {
struct ncclIbListenComm* lComm = (struct ncclIbListenComm*)listenComm;
struct ncclIbRecvComm* rComm;
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbMalloc((void**)&rComm, sizeof(struct ncclIbRecvComm)));
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
socklen_t socklen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
SYSCHECKVAL(accept(lComm->fd, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, &socklen), "accept", rComm->fd);
struct ncclIbQpInfo remQpInfo;
NCCLCHECK(socketReceive(rComm->fd, &remQpInfo, sizeof(remQpInfo)));
// IB setup
ibv_context* ctx = ncclIbDevs[lComm->dev].context;
uint8_t ib_port = ncclIbDevs[lComm->dev].port;
struct ibv_port_attr portAttr;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_query_port(ctx, ib_port, &portAttr));
union ibv_gid gid;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_query_gid(ctx, ib_port, ncclParamIbGidIndex(), &gid));
// QP Creation
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbInitVerbs(ctx, &rComm->verbs));
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbCreateQp(ib_port, &rComm->verbs, IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE, &rComm->qp));
// Adjust the MTU
remQpInfo.mtu = (enum ibv_mtu)std::min(remQpInfo.mtu, portAttr.active_mtu);
// Setup QP
struct ibv_qp* qp = rComm->qp;
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbRtrQp(qp, &remQpInfo));
Then execute ncclIbRtrQp, transitioning qp from INIT state to RTR state, setting mtu, peer’s qpn, gid and port information. At this time, qp can post recv messages and receive normally
ncclResult_t ncclIbRtrQp(ibv_qp* qp, struct ncclIbQpInfo* info) {
struct ibv_qp_attr qpAttr;
memset(&qpAttr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_attr));
qpAttr.qp_state = IBV_QPS_RTR;
qpAttr.path_mtu = info->mtu;
qpAttr.dest_qp_num = info->qpn;
qpAttr.rq_psn = 0;
qpAttr.max_dest_rd_atomic = 1;
qpAttr.min_rnr_timer = 12;
if (info->lid == 0) {
qpAttr.ah_attr.is_global = 1; = info->spn; = info->iid;
qpAttr.ah_attr.grh.flow_label = 0;
qpAttr.ah_attr.grh.sgid_index = ncclParamIbGidIndex();
qpAttr.ah_attr.grh.hop_limit = 255;
qpAttr.ah_attr.grh.traffic_class = ncclParamIbTc();
} else {
qpAttr.ah_attr.is_global = 0;
qpAttr.ah_attr.dlid = info->lid;
} = ncclParamIbSl();
qpAttr.ah_attr.src_path_bits = 0;
qpAttr.ah_attr.port_num = info->ib_port;
return ncclSuccess;
Then execute, at this time qp transitions from RTR state to RTS state. At this time, qp can post send messages and send normally.
ncclResult_t ncclIbRtsQp(ibv_qp* qp) {
struct ibv_qp_attr qpAttr;
memset(&qpAttr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_attr));
qpAttr.qp_state = IBV_QPS_RTS;
qpAttr.timeout = ncclParamIbTimeout();
qpAttr.retry_cnt = ncclParamIbRetryCnt();
qpAttr.rnr_retry = 7;
qpAttr.sq_psn = 0;
qpAttr.max_rd_atomic = 1;
return ncclSuccess;
Then continue looking at ncclIbAccept, here fifo is also used to control the sending process, which will be written when introducing data communication later.
ncclResult_t ncclIbAccept(void* listenComm, void** recvComm) {
// Retain remote fifo info and prepare my RDMA ops
rComm->remFifo.rkey = remQpInfo.fifoRkey;
rComm->remFifo.addr = remQpInfo.fifoAddr;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_reg_mr(&rComm->, rComm->verbs.pd, &rComm->remFifo.elems, sizeof(struct ncclIbSendFifo)*MAX_REQUESTS, IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ));
rComm->remFifo.sge.length = sizeof(struct ncclIbSendFifo);
rComm->remFifo.sge.lkey = rComm->>lkey;
// Determine whether the remFifo element data can be sent INLINE
struct ibv_qp_attr attr;
struct ibv_qp_init_attr init_attr;
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_query_qp(qp, &attr, IBV_QP_CAP, &init_attr));
if (init_attr.cap.max_inline_data >= rComm->remFifo.sge.length) rComm->remFifo.flags = IBV_SEND_INLINE;
// Allocate Flush dummy buffer for GPU Direct RDMA
rComm->gpuFlush.enabled = (ncclIbGdrSupport(lComm->dev) == 0) && (ncclParamIbGdrFlushDisable() == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (rComm->gpuFlush.enabled) {
NCCLCHECK(wrap_ibv_reg_mr(&rComm->gpuFlush.hostMr, rComm->verbs.pd, &rComm->gpuFlush.hostMem, sizeof(int), IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE));
rComm->gpuFlush.sge.addr = (uint64_t)&rComm->gpuFlush.hostMem;
rComm->gpuFlush.sge.length = 1;
rComm->gpuFlush.sge.lkey = rComm->gpuFlush.hostMr->lkey;
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbCreateQp(ib_port, &rComm->verbs, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE | IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_READ, &rComm->gpuFlush.qp));
struct ncclIbQpInfo localQpInfo = {
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbRtrQp(rComm->gpuFlush.qp, &localQpInfo));
// Fill Handle
struct ncclIbQpInfo qpInfo = {
NCCLCHECK(socketSend(rComm->fd, &qpInfo, sizeof(qpInfo)));
*recvComm = rComm;
return ncclSuccess;
gpuFlush also corresponds to a qp, but this qp is local, meaning its peer qp is itself. When gdr is enabled, a flush needs to be executed after each data reception, which is actually an rdma read operation, using the network card to read the first int of the received data into hostMem. The official issue explains that when data reception completes through gdr and generates wc to cpu, the received data may not be readable on the gpu side, at which time a read needs to be executed on the cpu side.
struct ncclIbGpuFlush {
int enabled;
int hostMem;
struct ibv_mr* hostMr;
struct ibv_sge sge;
struct ibv_qp* qp;
Finally, rank 10’s port, qpn, gid, etc., are sent back to rank 1 through socket. At this point, ncclTransportP2pSetup has completed execution, but rdma hasn’t completed establishing connection because rank 1 hasn’t received rank 10’s information, and qp is still in INIT state. Rank 1 won’t check whether the final step of link establishment is complete until it starts sending data. If the link hasn’t been established, it executes ncclSendCheck, the process is the same as above and won’t be repeated.
ncclResult_t ncclSendCheck(struct ncclIbSendComm* comm) {
struct ncclIbQpInfo remQpInfo;
struct ibv_qp* qp = comm->qp;
// Do not block on this receive, return if not ready.
int bytes = 0;
NCCLCHECK(socketProgress(NCCL_SOCKET_RECV, comm->fd, &remQpInfo, sizeof(remQpInfo), &bytes));
if (bytes == 0) return ncclSuccess; // Try again later
NCCLCHECK(socketWait(NCCL_SOCKET_RECV, comm->fd, &remQpInfo, sizeof(remQpInfo), &bytes));
NCCLCHECK(ncclIbRtrQp(qp, &remQpInfo));
comm->ready = 1;
// Block until this is done. It *should* not block indefinitely.
NCCLCHECK(socketSend(comm->fd, &comm->ready, sizeof(int)));
return ncclSuccess;
At this point, the rdma connection between rank 1 and rank 10 has been established. Then let’s look at the p2p connection between rank 10 and rank 9.
In the p2p scenario, the connectInfo exchanged between ranks is shown below
struct p2pConnectInfo {
int direct; // 是否为同进程
int read; // 是否支持p2p read
union {
void* directPtr; // 同进程使用这个字段记录当前rank的数据buffer
cudaIpcMemHandle_t devIpc; // 不同进程的话使用共享显存通信,devIpc记录当前rank的ipc handle
Still following the previous order, rank 9 first executes recv setup, first allocating resource, with data communication buffer saved in ncclRecvMem’s buff field.
struct p2pRecvResources {
struct ncclRecvMem* devMem;
void* ipcPtr;
struct ncclRecvMem {
union {
struct {
uint64_t tail;
char pad1[CACHE_LINE_SIZE-sizeof(uint64_t)];
char pad2[CACHE_LINE_SIZE-sizeof(uint64_t)];
int sizesFifo[NCCL_STEPS];
char pad4[MEM_ALIGN];
char buff[1]; // Actually larger than that
Then judge useRead. If the path type between two ranks is less than p2pLevel (default is PATH_SYS), then useP2P is 1. If the path type is PATH_NVL and it’s Ampere architecture, then useRead is 1. ncclRecvMem uses flexible array to store buffer, still only focusing on NCCL_PROTO_SIMPLE. If read is 1, then no buffer needs to be allocated. Since the current scenario is single process, record direct as 1, record devMem to directPtr, then enable card-to-card p2p access through cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess.
ncclResult_t p2pRecvSetup(struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* myInfo, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfo,
struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, struct ncclConnector * recv, int channelId) {
struct p2pRecvResources* resources;
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&resources, 1));
recv->transportResources = resources;
int useRead = p2pUseRead(topo, myInfo, peerInfo);
int recvSize = offsetof(struct ncclRecvMem, buff);
// For P2P Read the SIMPLE buffer is tagged on the end of the ncclSendMem structure
for (int p=0; p<NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS; p++) if (!(useRead && p == NCCL_PROTO_SIMPLE)) recvSize += recv->comm->buffSizes[p];
NCCLCHECK(ncclCudaCalloc((char**)&resources->devMem, recvSize));
struct p2pConnectInfo info; = useRead;
if (myInfo->pidHash == peerInfo->pidHash) { = 1;
info.directPtr = resources->devMem;
if (myInfo->cudaDev == peerInfo->cudaDev) {
TRACE(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_P2P,"%d <- %d via P2P/common device", myInfo->rank, peerInfo->rank);
} else {
// Enable P2P access
cudaError_t err = cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess(peerInfo->cudaDev, 0);
if (err == cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled) {
} else if (err != cudaSuccess) {
WARN("failed to peer with device %d(=%lx): %d %s",
peerInfo->cudaDev, peerInfo->busId, err, cudaGetErrorString(err));
return ncclInternalError;
TRACE(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_P2P,"Channel %02d : %d[%lx] <- %d[%lx] via P2P/direct pointer", channelId, myInfo->rank, myInfo->busId, peerInfo->rank, peerInfo->busId);
} else {
static_assert(sizeof(struct p2pConnectInfo) <= sizeof(struct ncclConnect), "p2p Connect Info is too big");
memcpy(connectInfo, &info, sizeof(struct p2pConnectInfo));
return ncclSuccess;
Next, rank 10 will execute send setup, with similar overall logic. From here we can see the purpose of useRead: if useRead is 1, the buffer is placed on the send rank; if 0, it’s placed on the recv rank.
ncclResult_t p2pSendSetup(struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* myInfo, struct ncclPeerInfo* peerInfo,
struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, struct ncclConnector* send, int channelId) {
struct p2pSendResources* resources;
NCCLCHECK(ncclCalloc(&resources, 1));
send->transportResources = resources;
int useRead = p2pUseRead(topo, myInfo, peerInfo);
int sendSize = sizeof(struct ncclSendMem);
// For P2P Read the SIMPLE buffer is tagged on the end of the ncclSendMem structure
if (useRead) sendSize += send->comm->buffSizes[NCCL_PROTO_SIMPLE];
NCCLCHECK(ncclCudaCalloc((char**)&resources->devMem, sendSize));
struct p2pConnectInfo info; = useRead;
const char* useReadStr = ? "/read" : "";
if (myInfo->pidHash == peerInfo->pidHash) { = 1;
info.directPtr = resources->devMem;
if (myInfo->cudaDev == peerInfo->cudaDev) {
INFO(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_P2P,"Channel %02d : %d[%d] -> %d[%d] via P2P/common device%s",
channelId, myInfo->rank, myInfo->cudaDev, peerInfo->rank, peerInfo->cudaDev, useReadStr);
return ncclInternalError;
} else {
// Enable P2P access
cudaError_t err = cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess(peerInfo->cudaDev, 0);
if (err == cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled) {
} else if (err != cudaSuccess) {
WARN("failed to peer with device %d(=%lx): %d %s",
peerInfo->cudaDev, peerInfo->busId, err, cudaGetErrorString(err));
return ncclInternalError;
INFO(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_P2P,"Channel %02d : %d[%lx] -> %d[%lx] via P2P/direct pointer%s",
channelId, myInfo->rank, myInfo->busId, peerInfo->rank, peerInfo->busId, useReadStr);
} else {
static_assert(sizeof(struct p2pConnectInfo) <= sizeof(struct ncclConnect), "p2p Connect Info is too big");
memcpy(connectInfo, &info, sizeof(struct p2pConnectInfo));
return ncclSuccess;
Then rank 10 executes the send connect process. Info is rank 9’s information, remDevMem is the GPU memory just allocated by rank 9. If read is 0, conn’s direct needs to be set. Next set conn’s buff: if read is 1, buff is the current card, otherwise set to rank 9’s GPU memory. The following head and tail settings are used to coordinate sender and receiver, which will be detailed in the next section.
static ncclResult_t p2pSendConnect(struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, int nranks, int rank, struct ncclConnector* send) {
struct p2pSendResources* resources = (struct p2pSendResources*)send->transportResources;
struct ncclRecvMem* remDevMem;
struct p2pConnectInfo* info = (struct p2pConnectInfo*)connectInfo;
if (info->direct) {
remDevMem = (struct ncclRecvMem*)(info->directPtr);
if (info->read == 0) send-> |= NCCL_DIRECT_GPU;
} else {
int offset = 0;
for (int p=0; p<NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS; p++) {
if (info->read && p == NCCL_PROTO_SIMPLE) {
/* For P2P Read the SIMPLE buffer is local (ncclSendMem) */
send->conn.buffs[p] = resources->devMem->buff;
} else {
send->conn.buffs[p] = remDevMem->buff + offset;
offset += send->comm->buffSizes[p];
send->conn.tail = &remDevMem->tail;
send->conn.head = &resources->devMem->head;
send->conn.ptrExchange = &resources->devMem->ptrExchange;
return ncclSuccess;
For recv connect, the logic is basically the same
ncclResult_t p2pRecvConnect(struct ncclConnect* connectInfo, int nranks, int rank, struct ncclConnector* recv) {
struct p2pRecvResources* resources = (struct p2pRecvResources*)recv->transportResources;
struct ncclSendMem* remDevMem;
struct p2pConnectInfo* info = (struct p2pConnectInfo*)connectInfo;
if (info->direct) {
remDevMem = (struct ncclSendMem*)(info->directPtr);
if (info->read == 0) {
recv-> |= NCCL_DIRECT_GPU;
recv->conn.ptrExchange = &remDevMem->ptrExchange;
} else {
cudaError_t err = cudaIpcOpenMemHandle(&resources->ipcPtr, info->devIpc, cudaIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess);
remDevMem = (struct ncclSendMem*)resources->ipcPtr;
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
WARN("failed to open CUDA IPC handle : %d %s",
err, cudaGetErrorString(err));
return ncclUnhandledCudaError;
int offset = 0;
for (int p=0; p<NCCL_NUM_PROTOCOLS; p++) {
if (info->read && p == NCCL_PROTO_SIMPLE) {
/* For P2P Read the SIMPLE buffer is remote (ncclSendMem) */
recv->conn.buffs[p] = remDevMem->buff;
} else {
recv->conn.buffs[p] = resources->devMem->buff + offset;
offset += recv->comm->buffSizes[p];
recv->conn.tail = &resources->devMem->tail;
recv->conn.head = &remDevMem->head;
return ncclSuccess;
Finally, a brief summary of the link establishment process:
- Receiver executes recv setup, creates buffer etc., records related information to connectInfo, starts a listening socket, records ip port to connectInfo as well, sends connectInfo to Sender through bootstrap.
- Sender executes send setup, creates buffer etc., records related information to connectInfo, then sends to Receiver. This step’s connectInfo is not used in rdma scenario.
- Sender receives information from Receiver in step 1, then establishes connection from Sender to Receiver. In p2p scenario, it simply records peer buffer; in rdma scenario, it needs to initialize qp to INIT state.
- Receiver receives information sent from send in step 2, then establishes connection from Receiver to Sender. P2p scenario still records peer buffer; rdma scenario needs to initialize qp to RTS state and send back local qp information to peer.
- In rdma scenario, Sender needs to receive peer qp status and initialize local qp to RTS state.